Lisbeth Forss

Your guide Lisbeth

My name is Lisbeth Forss and I am a Wildlife Guide by profession and like others living in the archipelago I also work with many other different things.

I established my company Pellinge upplevelser (Pellinge experiences) in 2015, after having worked as a guide in Pellinge for some years. Previously I worked in the pharmaceutical industry for more than 20 years and in 2017 I left also the consultancy assignments behind me and concentrated on what I really enjoy, namely outdoor activities and nature.

In addition to outdoor activities I find it fascinating how people lived in former days, for example how people coped without electricity, cars, roads and ferries.

My services include taking care of our local chapel “S:t Olofs kapell”. I also want to work for a better environment and therefore work for Rosk’n Roll giving advice to people regarding handling waste products.